PRO Awards 2024


 Custom Kitchens was the recipient of PRO Awards this year. PRO (Professional Remodeling Organization) Awards are given to members dedicated to carrying out the remodeling process with the highest regard for integrity and quality, committed to the industry, and improving their skills. Custom Kitchens designers received the following:

Kyle Hendrick, Grand Prize Winner - “Residential Historical Renovation/Restoration”


This historic estate, dating back to the early 1600s, has been owned by several people. However, since the 1840s, one family has administered and owned the estate. It has been the family’s goal to slowly restore the house, bring it up to code, and re-engage the public in its historic value.


Richard Hendrick, Merit Award - “Residential Kitchen Over $200,000”


As enthusiastic as they were to start the process, the clients were also not afraid to try new things and were very open to suggestions made by the designers. The result met all of their design expectations and the new layout uses the kitchen space to its full advantage.


Carter Hendrick & Kyle Hendrick (Collaboration with Kathy Corbet Interiors), Merit Award - “Residential Interior $150,000 & Over”


These homeowners wanted a space that reflected their love of art and technology. In the planning stages, the designer was told, “These clients don’t buy art, they have art made.” Following the lead of the the interior designer and the clients, Custom Kitchens, worked tirelessly to make the space and cabinetry function properly to meet the goals of this unique project. As the commissioned artist said, “I get my kicks from overthinking problems, exploring new media, and building things the world has never seen before.”


Kimberly Carter, Merit Award - “Residential Kitchen Under $100,000”


This kitchen is all about subtle materials that create a big impact. The veining of the quartz, slab doors, sleek hardware, and waterfall edges result in an amazing transformation.


Carter Hendrick & Kyle Hendrick (Collaboration with Kathy Corbet Interiors), Merit Award - “Residential Bathroom $50,000 - $100,000


The dark and gold finishes of this bathroom create a space that stands out. The fixtures and color palette echo the traditional style while the plumbing fixtures are the opposite, very contemporary and modern. The overall design creates a distinctive room.


Congratulations to all of our designers on your well-deserved recognition!